Tuesday, July 27, 2010

VACATION Day 3--African Lion Safari!

Part 3! Yay! It's time to take a trip to the African Lion Safari! Sadly, this blog won't allow more than 100 MB videos. So, you will not be able to see our elephant ride... But it was fun! The Rices and Sierra went on a huge elephant named Jenny. Here we go!

Here's a sign telling us we're 30 miles away!
The lions were first... chilling under their roof.
More lions...
Here's the mama lion keeping watch... while taking a load off.
Cheetahs next. The only thing you can see is their eyes!
So, it's raining now... but if you look closely, you can see 2 or 3 monkeys eating snacks that were ILLEGALLY given to them from the car they are sitting on. The sign didn't say NO FEEDING THE ANIMALS for nothing. Luckily they got caught later on...
Look out! A rhino! Ally was scared it would come charging at us.
And now some peaceful zebras.
This is one of the elephants we saw in "The Elephant show," back in the park. (We also went to the other shows, "Birds Of Prey" and "The Parrot Show." They were each about 20 minutes of cool tricks! Very fun...
Here, Sierra's petting him. Eww, hairy.
And a chick that was stray in the bushes with her mother, the peahen.
There were also elephants swimming at the end of our day. It looked like they were relieved after a hot day.

1 comment:

  1. That looks fun! I loved the safari when I went! Wish I coulddddda been there!
